Sunday, November 2, 2008

Stop Don't just pass by !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When I woke up that morning and flipped through the newspapers I saw her photo. I’ve always seen her photos in various magazines, I usually saw her on people magazine and read the headlines about her success, her beauty, her new hair style, her believes, and her successful campaigns with the UNICEF to protect children and help the poor. In fact, she has been my role model for years. I’ve often thought of her as the most powerful and successful women I’ve ever knew. I read her short stories for she was talented at writing too. Interestingly, she always wrote about success, hope and dreams in quite an optimistic manner. However, on that morning I saw her photo in the newspaper with a different headline. At first, I couldn’t believe it. I kept on reading the letters over and over again and trying to figure them out, it can’t be true oh Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She committed suicide. I couldn’t believe my eyes or withstand the shock why she, why now, how did she do it, what happened I was so much confused. With eyes full of tears and many question marks in my head I started my day. I went to the bus station to get into my bus and start my day as usual. Not surprisingly, she was the talk of the day. I kept on hearing the following words, this is the end of a materialistic person like her, but I know she was not materialistic she had great faith and loved the Lord deeply. An old lady at the bus said with a smile a normal ending for such a self centric person. Oh no believe me she always loved and cared for everybody even people that she didn’t know. The young boy shouted she was doing drugs dad, I replied no little boy she never took pain killers. Truth is, she was healthy, lively and the most energetic young lady you can meet. By that time the people at the bus were all starring at me, what do you know Mary more than we do, why did she do so? You must answer before we reach the terminal. I said in a low voice with tremors flowing down my spine she was lonely. How come she was always surrounded by fans, friends and crowd? I repeated with all the crowds, fans and opportunists she was surrounded with she always felt alone. No one ever had a thorough thought about her; no one tried to dig deep into her feelings and give a hand. People applauded but never hugged, people smiled at her but never kissed, people starred at her but never thought. All what she needed was more care and more attention, a look that is deeper than her skin surface. I kept on wondering why do we always pass by good and bad phenomena in our lives, good and evil people, problems and successes and just drive quickly enjoying the scene or feeling disgusted , however we never stop to have a deeper thought, we see humbled people on streets, we see tears, we see joy, we see villas, we see beyond poor communities we just gaze and pass by. We never step out of our cars and go down to see to feel. As I had the last look at her photo I decided I must step down many people need my help over there, many problems just need a deeper thought many success stories just need more understanding of success strategies. I woke up to find her still alive, I thanked God and prayed a lot and decide to stop gazing at her and go to hug with a tender touch. Don’t ever look at the surface and don’t pass by. Wake up and smell the coffee think about it may be it is just the right time to take action.

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